LachSoft Speech Timer is an ideal timing tool for giving or practicing
speeches. It changes colors at predetermined points in time to give you
visual cues that let you know how much time you have left in your speech. It
also works snapped so that you can use another app to read a text document for
example. You can be creative and use the timer for other purposes as well!
How it Works:
You set the length of your speech and the color cues you
want to see as time winds down. When you start the timer it displays the
time left in your speech and then the background color changes as you get to the
time markers you set.
For example, the default is set to have the color change to green when there
are 2 minutes left, yellow when there is one minute left, and then red when time
has expired. This is similar to how Toastmasters provides cues for their
speeches. It changes colors at predetermined points in time to give you
visual cues that let you know how much time you have left in your speech. It
also works snapped so that you can use another app to read a text document for
example. You can be creative and use the timer for other purposes as well!
How it Works:
You set the length of your speech and the color cues you
want to see as time winds down. When you start the timer it displays the
time left in your speech and then the background color changes as you get to the
time markers you set.
For example, the default is set to have the color change to green when there
are 2 minutes left, yellow when there is one minute left, and then red when time
has expired. This is similar to how Toastmasters provides cues for their